Gimme Somethin’ Good
Like a smile in the morning
A pat on the back
A roll in the hay
A package of rick rack.
Gimme Somethin’ Sweet
Like a kiss on the forehead
A bowl of ice cream
Popsicles and Jell-O
No Lean Cuisine.
Gimme Somethin’ Old
Like my grandmother’s love
Memories and photographs
A claw-footed tub
And all my lost friendships from the deep, deep past.
Gimme Somethin’ Dark
Like sapphires and onyx
Chocolate dipped figs
Medicine Man tonic
And sticky-sweet black Sambuca swigs.
Gimme Somethin’ Mean
Like angry young men
Fists in the air
Fighting, fighting, fighting,
It doesn’t matter where.
And I will take all these things and sing them a song
I will cry real tears
And laugh till dawn
But ultimately I don’t care and it doesn’t even matter
I’m an existentialist
And this is only banter.